Reading 2: Office Activities at the Hostel (Present Continuous)

Inside the hostel, the office is a busy place. Receptionist Tom is answering phone calls and welcoming guests. Sarah, the manager, is checking reservations and making sure everything runs smoothly. Some guests are checking in, while others are asking about local attractions. In the corner, Jenny, the accountant, is working on the hostel's finances. The atmosphere is buzzing with activity as everyone works together to provide a pleasant experience for the guests.


  1. Is Tom the receptionist at the hostel?
  2. Is Sarah the manager or the accountant?
  3. What is Tom doing at the office?
  4. Are guests checking in or checking out?
  5. Is Jenny working on the hostel's finances?
  6. Is the atmosphere quiet or buzzing with activity?
  7. What are some office activities at the hostel?
  8. Is Sarah answering phone calls?

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