100 Questions with WH-WORDS

Find below 100 example questions using WH-words. Try to answer them using your personal information and own ideas. 

  1. Who do you admire?
  2. Who was your hero when you were a child?
  3. Who is your mother?
  4. Who is your favorite actor?
  5. Who invented the telephone?
  6. Who created Facebook?
  7. Who do you live with? 
  8. What do you do?
  9. What does your mother do?
  10. What do you do every morning?
  11. What do you do on weekends? 
  12. What time do you get home from work/school?
  13. What time do you get up every day?
  14. What time do you get up on weekends?
  15. What is your sister's name?
  16. What is your brother's name?
  17. What is your uncle's name? 
  18. What is your father's name?
  19. What is your grandmother's like?
  20. What is your aunt like?
  21. What is your favorite teacher's name?
  22. What are your goals for the next 5 years?
  23. What time do you leave home to go to school/work?
  24. What time do you eat breakfast?
  25. What time do you eat lunch?
  26. What time do you eat dinner?
  27. What time do you get up?
  28. What do you usually eat for breakfast?
  29. What do you usually eat for lunch?
  30. What do you usually eat for dinner?
  31. What is your favorite class at school?
  32. What is your favorite TV program?
  33. What is your favorite book?
  34. What is your telephone number?
  35. Where do you live? 
  36. Where is your school?
  37. Where is your work?
  38. Where is your house?
  39. Where is the park?
  40. Where is the cathedral?
  41. Where do you like to eat?
  42. Where do you like to travel?
  43. Where do you want to study?
  44. Where did you go to elementary school?
  45. Where will you work/study?
  46. What kind of friends do you have?
  47. What kind of food do you like?
  48. What kind of books do you read?
  49. What kind of music do you like to listen to?
  50. What kind of food can you eat at the beach?
  51. What kind of job do you want to have?
  52. What sort of dog do you like?
  53. What do you need to make a sandwich?
  54. What do you need to make pancakes?
  55. What do you need to pass your exam?
  56. What do you want to be when you grow up?
  57. What do you like to do in your free time?
  58. What do you want to do next weekend? 
  59. What do you normally do on Christmas?
  60. What do you eat on Christmas Eve?
  61. What pet do you have?
  62. What other languages do you speak?
  63. What activities can you do at home to protect the planet?
  64. What activities can you do at school to invite others to protect the planet?
  65. What is your hobby?
  66. What is your favorite color?
  67. What is your favorite holiday?
  68. What is your favorite food?
  69. What is your favorite place?
  70. What is the most beautiful place in your hometown? and Why?
  71. What country would you like to visit?
  72. What activities can you do at the beach?
  73. What healthy food do you eat?
  74. Which is your favorite movie?
  75. Which is your favorite song?
  76. Which were your favorite classes at school?
  77. How are you today?
  78. How old are you?
  79. How old is your pet?
  80. How far is the park from your house?
  81. How often do you study?
  82. How often do you walk your dog?
  83. How often do you visit the beach?
  84. How often do you travel with your family?
  85. How many hamburgers can you eat? 
  86. How many siblings do you have?
  87. How many planets are there in the Milky Way?
  88. How much sugar do you add to your coffee?
  89. How much money do you need to travel?
  90. When is your birthday?
  91. When is Independence Day in your country?
  92. When is Mother's Day in your country?
  93. When is Father's Day in your country?
  94. When is Thanksgiving day?
  95. When do you go to school?
  96. When do you visit your relatives? 
  97. When did you first study English?
  98. When were you born?
  99. When will you marry?
  100. When will you be on vacation?

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