Números Ordinales

Números ordinales

Números Ordinales 

Los números ordinales nos indican orden de objetos o eventos como veremos en las siguientes conversaciones.

Conversación 1
A. What floor do you live on?
B. I live on the ____________ floor. 

Conversación 2
A. Is this the first time you've seen this movie?
B. No, it's the __________ time. 

Como ves, el uso de los números ordinales realmente es común en las conversaciones diarias. 

1st - first
2nd - second
3rd - third
4th - fourth
5th - fifth
6th - sixth
7th - seventh
8th - eighth
9th - ninth
10th - tenth
11th - eleventh
12th - twelfth
13th - thirteenth
14th - fourteenth
15th - fifteenth
16th - sixteenth
17th - seventeenth
18th - eighteenth
19th - nineteenth
20th - twentieth
21st - twenty-first
22nd - twenty-second
23rd - twenty-third
24th - twenty-fourth
25th - twenty-fifth

30th - thirtieth
40th - fortieth
50th - fiftieth
60th - sixtieth
70th - seventieth
80th - eightieth
90th - ninetieth
100th - one hundredth
101st - one hundred (and) first
102nd - one hundred (and) second
1000th - one-thousandth
10,000th - ten thousandth
100,000th - one hundred thousandth
 1,000,000th - one millionth

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