Actividades Diarias en casa

Everyday Activities at home

Everyday Activities at home

(Lista de verbos)
    1. Get up - levantarse
    2. Take a shower - ducharse
    3. Brush my* teeth - lavarme los dientes
    4. floss my* teeth - limpiarse los dientes (con hilo dental) 
    5. Shave - afeitarse
    6. get dressed - vestirse
    7. wash my face - lavarme la cara
    8. put on makeup - maquillarse
    9. Brush my hair - cepillarme el cabello
    10. Comb my hair - peinarme el cabello
    11. Make the bed - hacer la cama
    12. Get undressed - desvestirse
    13. Take a bath - bañarse (meterse en la tina)
    14. Go to bed - acostarse
    15. Sleep - dormir
    16. Make breakfast - hacer/ preparar el desayuno
    17. make lunch - hacer/ preparar el almuerzo
    18. cook/make dinner - hacer/preparar la cena
    19. Eat/have breakfast - desayunar
    20. Eat/have lunch - almorzar
    21. Eat/have dinner - cenar
    *You can change the possessive pronoun with my, his, her, our, your, their; according to the subject in the sentence. 

    Cursos de inglés en línea
    Aprende éste y otros temas con clases en vivo. 

    Remember that you can review the Simple Present HERE

    You can practice the vocabulary of the list with the following conversations: 

    Conversation 1
    A: What does he do every day?
    B: He ________s, he ________s and he _______s.

    Conversation 2
    A: What does your mother do every day?
    B: She ________s, she ________s, and she _______s. 

    What do you do every day? Make a list
    Interview some friends and tell about their everyday activities. 

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