The Travel Industry

The travel industry


Travel is a big business around the world, and most countries encourage tourism due to the opportunities it brings to the community. Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. Tourism creates jobs, but many are low paying. The travel industry covers accommodation, which includes sharing houses, hostels, hotels or luxury hotels, transport either private or shared and tours.

Tourism can also drive up prices. In some countries like Hawaii, for example, 25% of all jobs are related to tourism but that doesn't mean people earn high salaries. The cost of an average house is $270,000 more than twice the average for the rest of the United States. Tourism can also be hard on the environment. Sometimes more people means more pollution. And here comes the work of the authorities and travel leaders to work on sustainable options and to educate travelers for a clean world. 

Questions to discuss:

1) What places are popular in your country?

2) What type of jobs are related to the tourism industry?

3) What can you do for a cleaner world? 

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