I work at McDonald's

I work at McDonald's

I work at McDonald's


I work at McDonald’s. I have to work every Friday and Saturday, and I have to wear a uniform. The uniform is black (of course) it has yellow arches on the sleeves. We have a new menu today, and therefore I have to study the list and the prices. I have to be in the restaurant early in the morning. 

We have twenty tables in our restaurant. There aren’t any chairs because we have benches. The benches in “fast-food” restaurants are uncomfortable on purpose: The customers “eat and run” and, therefore, there is always room for more customers. There are McDonald’s in almost every country in the world. Every McDonald’s has hamburgers and french fries. I live in Dublin. Ireland has almost one hundred McDonald’s. My manager is twenty years old. 


  1. Where do you work?
  2. When do you work?
  3. Do you wear a uniform?
  4. Why do you have to study the list and prices in the menu?
  5. How many tables are there in the restaurant?
  6. Are there any chairs?
  7. How are the benches in fast-food restaurants?
  8. What food does McDonald's sell?
  9. Where do you live?
  10. How old is your manager?

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