Mi Familia (Lectura)

My Family - mi familia


Hi, my name is Katy. I am 12 years old. My mother is Angie and she is 36 years old. My father is Fernando and he is 40 years old. I have 2 siblings, 1 brother, and 1 sister. My brother is Cristopher and my sister is Stephany. I also have a pet. It is a French poodle. She is Jacky. She is 10 years old.

  1. Who is she?
  2. How old is Katy?
  3. Who is Angie?
  4. Who is Fernando?
  5. How old is Angie?
  6. How old is Fernando?
  7. Who is Cristopher?
  8. Who is Stephany?
  9. Who is Jacky?
  10. How old is Jacky?

Esta lectura incluye los siguientes temas


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