Animals Vocabulary - The Lion Guard

Animals - animales

Have you seen this series with your little brother or sister? Well, here you have a set of downloadable flashcards with their main characters.

The Lion Guard

It is a TV cartoon based on the movie The Lion King from 1994, This series release on November 22nd, 2015 like a TV movie and then it continued as a TV series in January 2016 in Disney Junior.

It was created by Ford Riley as an adventure children series.

The Main Characters

Kion = It's Simba's cub and Kiara's little brother. The leader of the Lion Guard.

Fuli = It's a cheetah, Kion's friend, She's the fastest from the Lion Guard.

Beshte = It's a hippo, Kion's friend, he's the strongest from the Lion Guard.

Ono = It's a Heron, Kion's friend, he has the sharpest view from the Lion Guard.
Bunga: It's a Badger, Kion's friend. He's the bravest member of the Lion Guard.
Practice the pronunciation of the characters with the following video. 

 If you want to get the complete file with the flashcards, feel free to download them.

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